YouthLink helps youth and families find their TEAM for success. Friends, family, community members, and professional agency members work together to reach family goals.
TEAM Meetings were developed through a collaborative process with agencies participating in the Logan County Interagency Oversight Group for Collaborative Management (YouthLink).
The purpose of a TEAM meeting is to engage youth and families together with support people and professional service providers in a structured meeting led by a trained facilitator where decisions are made and goals are set related to school attendance, disruptive behaviors, service coordination, basic family needs, compliance with juvenile justice terms and conditions, substance use, or goal-setting for life in general.
Why have a TEAM Meeting?
By utilizing TEAM Meetings, families have the opportunity to see an increase in the quality, appropriateness and effectiveness of services by participating in a collaborative process.
Concerns that may prompt a TEAM Meeting request include, but are not limited to:
Multi-agency involvement
School attendance/Truancy
Uncooperative or disrespectful behavior at home or at school
Substance abuse: drugs/alcohol/smoking/vaping
Anxiety/Depression/Suicidal Thoughts
Friends - lack of, or negative influence of
Family conflict
Recent change in lifestyle
2Gen Model:
TEAM Meetings utilize a Two-Generation approach. On the continuum of the 2Gen approach, the majority of TEAM meetings are child-focused with parent elements.
For questions about TEAM Meetings, or to schedule a meeting with a customized time & place,
contact the YouthLink coordinator at:

What happens during a TEAM Meeting?
The student, family members, school staff, and community professionals meet to discuss needs and set goals together. Meetings follow this outline:
Set the goal(s) for the meeting
Discuss strengths
Identify concerns
Brainstorm ideas
Set clearly defined next step goals with deadlines
Meetings are typically reserved in 1 hour time blocks.
What happens after a TEAM Meeting?
One of the benefits of this process is that YouthLink is able to facilitate collaborative documentation and communication with multi-agency resources.
Collaborative documentation in Smartsheets
Multi-agency Release of Information
Meeting notes and follow up documentation
Automated reminders and update requests for service providers and family members
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